Permits for Events

Find out what kinds of events do and don't require permits, and learn how to apply for your permit.

Events & activities that don't require a permit

Most events on the Capitol Campus need a permit. There are a few events that don't.

You don't need a permit for:

  • Indoor events with fewer than 25 people that don't require any set-up
  • Outdoor events with fewer than 75 people that don't require any set-up

Memorial mementos

You don't need a permit to leave items at memorials or monuments, including:

  • Flowers
  • Wreaths
  • Flags
  • Notes
  • Tokens

We may remove certain items at our discretion. Learn more about prohibited items and activities for the Capitol Campus.

Events that require a permit

You do need a permit for:

  • Indoor events with more than 25 attendees
  • Outdoor events with more than 75 attendees
  • Events that require any kind of set-up
  • Events that have canopies, stages, or chairs
  • Events that involve selling or giving out food
  • Events that seek to "reserve" a space (does not exclude the public from a space, but prevents other events from happening in that space)
  • Events that seek sole use of a space (exclude the public from a space)

How to apply for your permit

Make sure you follow all the steps we've outlined below. Missing a step might cause us to reject your application.

1. Understand the rules

Before you apply for your permit, you must read and understand all of the following:

2. Provide the necessary details

As you complete your permit application, be sure to give us as many details as possible about your event, including (but not limited to):

  • Detailed plans for activities
  • An event timeline
  • How many people you expect
  • Catering and food service information
  • Plans for large events (such as portable toilets, safety and risk management plans, and how attendees will get to your event)

You should also include requests for:

  • Us to set up tables and chairs (indoor events only)
  • Parking or bus drop-off information or instructions
  • Barricading, road closures, or parking reservations

3. Wait for us to review your permit application

We normally review permit applications within 2 business days on a first-come, first-served basis. Government activities and events get first priority when we review applications and schedule events.

Conditional permits

In most cases, we will issue you a conditional permit. If we issue a conditional permit, we will schedule a planning meeting with you to discuss the event details (see step 5) before we issue the final permit.  

Instances that require a conditional permit include:

  • Events that take place indoors after hours and require events staff to oversee
  • Events that require setup of tables and chairs, need access to power, or will have tents or canopies

Conditional permits are also issued for events that require any of the following documents:

  • An event contract
  • Event insurance
  • A fire safety plan
  • A security and crowd management plan
  • A risk management plan
  • A transportation plan
  • Proof of insurance from any vendors who will be at your event

4. Pay the permit fee

A non-refundable permit fee is due when we approve your application and issue you a permit. If we deny your permit application, you don't need to pay a fee.

Permit costs:

  • $75 for a private event permit
  • $65 for a commercial event permit
  • No fee for free speech event or public event permits

5. Attend a planning meeting with the DES Events Office staff

In most cases, we'll need to talk with you about the details of your event. This is an informal meeting where we'll go over things like:

  • Your event plan
  • How our office can help you
  • What we do and don't allow on campus

Cancellations and refunds

We understand that plans change. However, if you wish to get a refund for any fees you paid, you must inform us of your cancellation at least 48 hours before your scheduled event start time.

Application fees are always non-refundable. 

More information