Carrying Weapons on Campus
Open carry of certain weapons is prohibited in State Capitol buildings and on West Campus grounds. Learn more and view a map of prohibited areas.
Open carry of weapons is prohibited in areas of the Capitol Campus
RCW 9.41.305 prohibits open carry of firearms or other weapons at certain areas of the State Capitol.
A weapon, as defined in RCW 9.41.300, is:
- firearm
- explosive
- slungshot/slingshot
- sand club
- metal knuckles
- any knife, dagger, or dirk
- other similar weapon that is capable of causing death or bodily injury and is commonly used with the intent to cause death or bodily injury
This applies to:
- all buildings on campus
- state legislative offices
- any public legislative hearing or meeting
- West campus grounds
- and within 250 feet of a permitted event
West Capitol Campus grounds include:
- areas of the campus South of Powerhouse Rd. SW
- South of Union Avenue SW as extended Westward to Powerhouse Rd. SW
- West of Capitol Way
- North of 15th Avenue SW between Capitol Way S. and Water Street SW
- West of Water Street between 15th Avenue SW and 16th Avenue SW
- North of 16th Avenue SW between Water Street SW and the East banks of Capitol Lake
- and East of the banks of Capitol Lake

You may open carry a weapon if you are a(n):
- Authorized federal, state, or local law enforcement officer or employee following your agency's policy.
- Member of the U.S. or Washington state armed forces carrying out an official duty or traveling to or from an official duty.
You may carry a concealed firearm if you have a valid concealed pistol license.