Legislative Building Stats

Details and stats about the Legislative Building, also known as the Capitol Building, located in Olympia, Washington.

Interesting facts

The Legislative Building took six years to build and is made of over 173 million pounds of stone, brick, concrete, and steel.

It is one of the tallest buildings with a masonry dome in the world and is the tallest in North America, standing 287 feet high.

Building details

Lantern (top cupola on building) 500,000 lbs
Dome (curved portion) 11,200,000 lbs
Colonnade/Drum (just below dome) 21,500,000 lbs
“The Dome” (sub-total of above numbers) 33,200,000 lbs
Pedestal (central rotunda portion of the building) 49,700,000 lbs
East Wing (all four levels) 31,100,000 lbs
West Wing (all four levels) 31,100,000 lbs
North Portico 10,100,000 lbs
South Portico 13,300,000 lbs
Foundations 20,000,000 lbs
Total 188,500,000 lbs or 94,250 tons
Comparison weight of other structures  
Empire State Building (New York City) is 4 times the Legislative Building's weight 730,000,000 lbs
Nimitz-class aircraft carrier 194,000,000 lbs
Washington Monument (Washington, D.C.) 181,708,000 lbs
Space Needle (Seattle) is 1/10 the Legislative Building's weight 19,100,000 lbs
Comparison weight of building materials to other objects  
26,456,000 lbs of stone and granite = 8850 Volkswagen Beetles
20,900,000 lbs of brick = 5538 Orca whales
63,493,000 lbs of concrete = 3740 African elephants
From ground level to top of lantern 287 feet
From base of dome to top of lantern 102 feet
From interior stair platform to ceiling of dome 165 feet
Comparison height of other buildings  
St. Peter’s Cathedral (Rome, Italy) 446 feet
St. Paul’s Cathedral (London, United Kingdom) 355.5 feet
Global Vipassana Pagoda (Mumbai, India) 315.5 feet
Santa Maria Del Fiore (Florence, Italy) 295 feet
Eiffel Tower (Paris, France) is 3 1/2 times the Legislative Building's height 986 feet 
U.S. Capitol Building (Washington, D.C.) 288 feet
Comparison square and cubic feet to other objects  
Football field is 1/4 the Legislative Building's square footage 57,600 square feet
Vatican City is 20 times the Legislative Building's square footage 4,734,400 square feet
Cubic space of the Legislative Building 4,600,000 cubic feet
It would take 136 Olympic-sized swimming pools or 28 average-sized water towers to fill the Legislative Building completely with water.
Original construction cost  
 Materials: Approximate costs
  Marble $840,000
  Plastering $187,000
  Ornamental Iron $45,000
  Ornamental Bronze $320,000
  Stone Carving $180,000
  Interior Wood Trim $84,000
  Rubber Tile $65,000
  Painting $122,000
  Elevators $96,000
  Plumbing, Heating, and Ventilating $383,000
  Total Cost of Building in 1928 $6,791,595.88
  Cost of Furnishings in 1928 $594,172.33


Present day construction cost
It would cost over $1 billion to reconstruct the Legislative Building with the same materials and workmanship today. That's 135 times more!
Type and origin of stone  
Exterior Sandstone: Wilkeson Quarries, Pierce County, Washington
Interior Marble: Type Origin
  Senate Chamber Formosa Germany
  House Chamber Escalette France
  State Reception Room Bresche Italy
  Main Corridors Tokeen Alaska
150-watt incandescent bulbs on top of the outside lower columns (exterior) 85
250-watt metal halide bulbs at the bottom of the 8th floor columns (exterior) 26
421-watt LED light fixture on the 5th floor roof used to light the dome (exterior) 8
50-watt sodium bulbs used to light the terrace (exterior) 48
15-watt to 300-watt incandescent bulbs throughout the building (interior) 2550
Fluorescent light fixtures throughout the building (interior) 2616
